Proudly endorsed by these Boulder and Colorado leaders and community members
Kathy Gebhardt, former BVSD School Board president, former Colorado Association of School Boards president, National Association of School Boards Board of Directors
Tina Marquis, former BVSD School Board president, current Boulder City Council member
Laurie Albright former BVSD School Board president
Also endorsed by these community leaders
Andrew Shoemaker - former Boulder City Council and Mayor Pro Tem
Bill Rigler - former Boulder Transportation Advisory Board Chair
Bruce Messinger - former Boulder Valley School District Superintendent
Denny McCloskey - former Broomfield City Council
George Karakehian - former Boulder City Council
Guillermo Barriga - former PERA Trustee
Henry Roman - former Denver Classroom Teachers' Association President
Jan Burton - former Boulder City Council
Janice Marchman - State Senator, Boulder/Larimer Counties; Vice Chair, Senate Education Committee
Jason Unger - Boulder Valley School Board
Jennie Belval - former Boulder Valley School Board
Joan Fitz-Gerald - former Colorado Senate President
Joe Sleeper - former Boulder Valley School District Asst. Sup. for Operations, Interim Superintendent
Jorge Chavez - Boulder Valley School Board
Julie Friedemann - PERA Trustee
Kenneth Nova - President, Boulder Valley Education Association - Retired
Kitty Sargent - Boulder Valley School Board
Lalenia Quinlan Aweida - Boulder Valley School Board
Leigh Campbell-Hale - former Boulder Valley Education Association Vice President
Lindsey Daugherty - State Representative, Adams/Jefferson Counties; Chair, House Health & Human Services Committee
Mark McIntyre - Boulder Planning Board
Michael Leccese - Boulder Housing Advisory Board Chair
Mike Feeley - former Colorado State Senator
Nate Geroche - PERA Trustee
Rachel Friend - former Boulder City Council
Ronnie Pelusio - Boulder Landmarks Board
Sarah Silver - Boulder Planning Board
Stacey Zis - former Boulder Valley School Board
Steve Pomerance - former Boulder City Council
Suzanne Kubec - PERA Board Vice Chair
And a growing list of organizations . . .
Aaron Hendrikson ▪️ Alan Rogers ▪️ Alison Boggs ▪️ Alison Richards ▪️ Allyn Feinberg ▪️ Alysia Hayas ▪️ Amy Paa-Rogers ▪️ Anne Weiher ▪️ Audrey Fishman Franklin ▪️ Barbara Bogner ▪️ Barbara Demmig-Adams ▪️ Barbara Kase ▪️ Barbara Leaf ▪️ Batya Greenwald ▪️ Bea Hoverstock ▪️ Becky Escamilla ▪️ Beth Bogner ▪️ Beth Karpf ▪️ Betsy Hand ▪️ Bill Clebsch ▪️ Bill Gray ▪️ Bill Jellick ▪️ Bill Rigler ▪️ Bill White ▪️ Bob Hullinghorst ▪️ Bob Hunnes ▪️ Bob Morehouse ▪️ Bob Yates ▪️ Bobby Biles ▪️ Bobby Brown ▪️ Bruce Morley ▪️ Carol Adams ▪️ Carolyn Usher ▪️ Cass Gassman ▪️ Charley Hale ▪️ Charlie Hoffman ▪️ Chris Goodman ▪️ Chris Myatt ▪️ Christine English ▪️ Chuck Hunker ▪️ Chuck Sherman ▪️ Chuck Sisk ▪️ Cindy Carlisle ▪️ Cindy Ward ▪️ Cindy Stevenson ▪️ Claire Levy ▪️ Conrad Lattes ▪️ Craig Mulford ▪️ Crystal Gray ▪️ Dan Corson ▪️ Dana James ▪️ David Hazen ▪️ David King ▪️ Deanne Fujii ▪️ Deb Craven ▪️ Debbie Valette ▪️ Dee Perry ▪️ Dennis Arfmann ▪️ Denny McCloskey ▪️ Dickey Lee Hullinghorst ▪️ Edie Hooton ▪️ Elizabeth J Black ▪️ Ellen Miller-Brown ▪️ Emily Reynolds ▪️ Eric Ayrault ▪️ Erin Shea-Bower ▪️ George Karakehian ▪️ George Roche ▪️ Ginny Corsi ▪️ Gloria Icoffe ▪️ Greg Evans ▪️ Guillermo Barriga ▪️ Henry Roman ▪️ Hollie Rogin ▪️ Holly Kyed ▪️ Isaac Velander ▪️ Jan Lagomarsino Brummett ▪️ Jana Simpson ▪️ Jane Butcher ▪️ Jason Oeltjen ▪️ Jason Unger ▪️ Jay Donaghy ▪️ Jay Johnson ▪️ Jean Rosmarin ▪️ Jeannette Hillery ▪️ Jeff Reeser ▪️ Jeff Smith ▪️ Jeffrey Kash ▪️ Jennie Belval ▪️ Jennifer Rhodes ▪️ Jesse Carver ▪️ Jessie Velander ▪️ Jill Gartland ▪️ Jill McIntyre ▪️ Jim Butterworth ▪️ Jim Hooton ▪️ Jim Reed ▪️ Joan Fitz-Gerald ▪️ Joan Nagel ▪️ Joe Sleeper ▪️ Joel Smith ▪️ John Balassa ▪️ John Zola ▪️ Jonathan Dings ▪️ Jorge Chavez ▪️ Josie Heath ▪️ Judy Pieken ▪️ Julie Friedemann ▪️ Julie Walker ▪️ Karen Halverson ▪️ Karen Hollweg ▪️ Karen Malacalza ▪️ Kate Lacroix ▪️ Kathy Gebhardt ▪️ Kathy Kotnour ▪️ Katie Hines ▪️ Katy Yates ▪️ Kay Cee Jacobson ▪️ Kelly Reeser ▪️ Lalenia Quinlan Aweida ▪️ Laura Cornacchione ▪️ Laura Osborn ▪️ Laurie Albright ▪️ Leigh Campbell-Hale ▪️ Leslie Durgin ▪️ Lindsay Kervan ▪️ Lisa Morzel ▪️ Lisa Spalding ▪️ Liz Padilla ▪️ Lori Hattendorf ▪️ Lyn Ciocca ▪️ Lyra Mayfield ▪️ Machal Gillach ▪️ Marco Cornacchione ▪️ Marcus Pennell ▪️ Mark McIntyre ▪️ Mark Posthumus ▪️ Mark Wallach ▪️ Marsha McClanahan ▪️ Mary McCafferty ▪️ Mary Dolores Young ▪️ Meg Hansen ▪️ Michael Lawless ▪️ Michelle Brenner ▪️ Michelle Fredson ▪️ Mindy Miller ▪️ Mike Altenbern ▪️ Mike Feeley ▪️ Mike Schreiner ▪️ Mitch Stahl ▪️ Mo Breed ▪️ Molly Goodsell ▪️ Morgan O'Brien ▪️ Nance Helmig ▪️ Nancy Kellogg ▪️ Nancy Kornblum ▪️ Natalie Trombly ▪️ Nate Folsom ▪️ Nate Geroche ▪️ Nicole Donnelly ▪️ Nicole Rajpal ▪️ Patricia Dean ▪️ Paula King ▪️ Peggy Sands ▪️ Peter Lundskow ▪️ Peter Mayer ▪️ Rachel Friend ▪️ Rhonda Davie ▪️ Richard Valenty ▪️ Rob Chesher ▪️ Rollie Heath ▪️ Ronnie Pelusio ▪️ Rosie Pfenning ▪️ Ryan Espuga ▪️ Sally Hatcher ▪️ Sandra Farkas ▪️ Sandra Sonoda ▪️ Sara Goldenberg White ▪️ Sara Mitton ▪️ Sarah Silver ▪️ Sean Kendall ▪️ Shanna Lawless ▪️ Shari Roth ▪️ Sharon Posthumus ▪️ Sophie Ramus ▪️ Stacey Zis ▪️ Stan Garnett ▪️ Stan Kyed ▪️ Steph Smith ▪️ Stephanie Potter ▪️ Steve Morgan ▪️ Steve Pomerance ▪️ Sue Seecof ▪️ Susan Allman ▪️ Susan Conversano ▪️ Susan Marine ▪️ Susan Osborne ▪️ Susan Simonds ▪️ Susie Bosley ▪️ Suzanne Kubec ▪️ Tabitha Carver-Roberts ▪️ Tara Winer ▪️ Teddy Weverka ▪️ Terri Brncic ▪️ Terri Mulford ▪️ Terry Escamilla ▪️ Terry Gillach ▪️ Tiana Gray ▪️ Tianru Shao ▪️ Tim Crook ▪️ Tim Donnelly ▪️ Tina Kleidon ▪️ Tina Marquis ▪️ Tom Potter ▪️ Vicki Cowart ▪️ Wendy Rochman ▪️ William Adams ▪️ Yongmin Chen ▪️